Columbia University
Irving Medical Center
Neurological Institute
710 West 168th Street, 3rd floor
(212) 305-1818
The Alzheimer's disease Research Center (ADRC) at Columbia began in the late 1980's when Drs. Richard Mayeux and Michael Shelanski decided that their common interests in Alzheimer's disease and the different approaches - epidemiological and cell biological - to the problem could nucleate a broadly based research effort on Alzheimer's disease and related neurological degenerative disorders at Columbia.
In 1995, the Taub Center for Alzheimer's disease Research was established with a gift from the Taub Family Foundation which supplemented the ADRC grant. This gift allowed us to add a large new laboratory unit to the program and to support the start-up of several junior investigators.
In 1999, the Taub Center was expanded and renamed the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer's disease and the Aging Brain. Under the direction of Dr. Richard Mayeux and Dr. Michael Shelanski, the Institute operates as an independent department at Columbia University, promoting and administering projects related to Alzheimer's disease in departments and centers across campus. This effort includes investigators on Columbia's Health Sciences and Morningside campuses.
Today the Taub Institute is happy to collaborate with the following departments and centers in the study of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders:
Current research projects of the Taub Institute are outlined on our faculty pages and in the Research Section of the website.